Crystal Bronx Cocktail

Crystal Bronx

Crystal Bronx Cocktail

The Juice of 1/4 Orange. (Valencia)
1/4 French Vermouth. (3/4 oz Noilly Pratt Dry)
1/4 Italian Vermouth. (3/4 oz Cinzano Rosso)
1 Lump Ice.

Use medium-size glass and fill up with Soda Water.

Seems like something is missing from this cocktail!

Like, the other 1/2!

Anyway, even though I find no recipes which call for it, I wouldn’t blame you if you decided to add 1 1/2 oz of Dry Gin to the Crystal Bronx. In fact, I think you would find it quite tasty.

This post is one in a series documenting my ongoing effort to make all of the cocktails in the Savoy Cocktail Book, starting at the first, Abbey, and ending at the last, Zed.