Mekons, Swedish American Hall 09-30-2011

Mekons at Swedish American Hall, 09-30-2011, playing songs from their new recording, Ancient & Modern

I look out of my window,
across the rooftops of London,

Then I remember the taste of salt water,
the thousand times I drowned before,

Fishes for friends in the cold wet dark,
Fishes for friends in the cold wet dark,

Getting on a bright red bus,
that takes me to the pleasure gardens,

Looking at people, smells, and sounds,
my barren thoughts chill me to the bone,

As the ink flows from the pen,
nothing written can matter again,

I had this thought a while ago,
my darling cannot understand,

What I have done or what would do,
in this blind and bitter land,

I fall asleep when I should pray,

I fall asleep when I should pray,

I fall asleep when I should pray,

I fall asleep when I should pray,

Fall face down, under sorrow,
strange fortunes for many a year,
penetrating a new world,
standing on the top of the hill,
looking at things no eye has seen before,
looking at things no eye has seen before.

Lyrics from the Mekons Song, “I Fall Asleep”, on their new recording, “Ancient & Modern”.